If you relate to any of the above experiences, it is important to know that you are not alone and that help and treatment has been shown to be effective in treating these issues.

Let me share some facts about why it can be helpful to seek support for your mental health during the postpartum and prenatal period:

  1. The hormonal changes that occur during pregnancy and after childbirth can significantly impact a woman's mood and emotional state. It can be helpful to learn new ways to cope, process, and work through these emotional changes.

  2. Mental health support during pregnancy and postpartum plays a critical role in the overall healing process. Mental health support impact the physical healing from birth in positive ways.

  3. Seeking mental health help can positively impact the mother-infant bond and attachment.

  4. Addressing mental health issues during pregnancy and postpartum can have long-term benefits for the family as a whole.

  5. Research has consistently shown that early intervention and support can lead to better outcomes for mothers experiencing mental health issues during and after pregnancy.

You deserve mental health support during this important transition in your life.

Bri is trained in perinatal mental health and will soon be testing for her PMH-C.

Perinatal Mental Health Therapy

Are you a new mom experiencing
difficulty with anxiety depressive symptoms intrusive thoughts decreased self-esteem trouble asking for help You are 1 in 5. You are not alone.